Master’s degree


Key features

  • Qualification: Magister
  • Qualification in English: Master
  • EQF level: 7
  • Cycle: Second cycle
  • Thesis required: Master´s thesis or examination, min. 15 ECTS
  • Nominal length: 1-2 years / 160-120 ECTS credits, together with a first cycle degree no less than 5 years / 300 ECTS credits
  • Access requirement: First cycle qualification
  • Access to further study: Doktor (Doctoral) programme


Master’s programme are devoted to in-depth preparation for the field of study and include a narrow specialisation. They also prepare the students for independent work after graduation. The main purpose of such study programmes is to educate a specialist of profound professional knowledge. The thesis or the final examination should form no less than 15 ECTS credits of the total credit requirement for the study programme.

Master’s programmes are provided by universities and since 2004, also by professional higher education institutions. Until 2011, professional higher education institutions had to have a co-operation with a university to provide master’s programmes (except in the fields of theology, national defence and public security).

Degree titles

Estonian higher education institutions award the following master’s degrees:

  • Haridusteaduse magister – Master of Arts in Education (MA)
  • Kunstide magister – Master of Arts (MA)
  • Humanitaarteaduse magister – Master of Arts in Humanities (MA)
  • Sotsiaalteaduse magister – Master of Arts in Social Sciences (MA)
  • Sporditeaduse magister – Master of Arts in Sport (MA)
  • Ärijuhtimise magister – Master in Business Administration (MBA)
  • Loodusteaduse magister – Master of Science (MSc)
  • Tehnikateaduse magister – Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)
  • Põllumajandusteaduse magister – Master of Science in Agriculture (MSc)
  • Terviseteaduse magister – Master of Science in Health Sciences (MSc)
  • Usuteaduse magister – Master of Arts in Theology (MA)
  • Õigusteaduse magister – Master of Arts in Law (MA).

The name of the study programme or the area of specialisation can be added, in brackets, to the degree title.

Learning outcomes

In order to be awarded a degree of Magister, a student shall:

  • have systematic overview and broad knowledge of concepts, theories and research methods of the field of study
  • know the theoretical development trends, current problems and potential applications in the field of study
  • have in depth-knowledge in a narrower research field of the field of research
  • be able to identify and create interdisciplinary connections
  • be able to independently and creatively identify and formulate problems and /or research questions related to the field of study and be able to solve them with appropriate measures within given timeframes and within limited information, using of knowledge of other fields as necessary.
  • be able to select and use appropriate methods and technologies when solving problems of the field of study, and to model and/or assess the potential results
  • be able to critically evaluate his or her activities when solving problems and/or research questions of the field of study
  • be prepared to work in an area of activity requiring professional qualifications, showing initiative, responsibility, leadership and team work skills
  • be able to hand down with competence his or her knowledge by teaching, instruction or in another manner
  • be able to present and reason orally or in written form in the language of instruction and a foreign language essential for his or her field of study the problems relating to the field of study, conclusions and the underlying theories, and to participate in relevant discussions of both corresponding specialists and non-specialists
  • be willing to actively participate in the civil society and demonstrate tolerance towards diversity of attitudes and values
  • be able to act ethically in complex situations, be aware of the ethical aspects, possibilities, restrictions and social role of his or her activities and be able to provide reasoned assessment in issues concerning his or her field of study
  • be able to evaluate his or her need, and the need of others, of continuing education and professional development, and have command of effective methods necessary for independent study
  • be able to continue studies or participate in research, act as a specialist or developer in his or her field, including internationally.