Key features
- Qualification: Bachelorgrad
- Qualification in English: Bachelor’s degree
- EQF level: 6
- Cycle: First cycle
- Thesis required: Project, 10-20 ECTS
- Nominal length: 3 years / 180 ECTS (4 years /240 ECTS for some programmes within the arts)
- Access requirement: Upper secondary level
- Access to further study: Master’s degree (Candidatus)
Bachelor’s degree (universities)
The programmes are research-based. All programmes include a bachelor’s project of 10-20 ECTS. The programmes are offered in all scientific fields.
The programmes prepare students for the labor market and for studies for the master’s degree (second cycle).
Degree titles
- Danish: Bachelor (BA) i [field of study] or Bachelor (BSc) i [field of study]. In business administration, the title HA may be used.
- English: Bachelor of Arts (BA) in [field of study] or Bachelor of
Science (BSc) in [field of study]. Legal studies: Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor’s degree within the fine arts
The bachelor’s degree within the fine arts is awarded after 3 years of study (180 ECTS).
Admission is usually conditional on passing an entrance examination.
The programmes are based on research and artistic research. Programmes are offered within the area of fine arts: architecture, design, music, etc.
The degree normally gives access to a master’s (candidatus) programme in the same field. The programmes include a project of 10-30 ECTS.
Degree titles
- Danish: Bachelor (BA) i [field of study], Bachelor i musik (BMus) [field of study] or Bachelor i billedkunst (BFA) [field of study].
- English: Bachelor of Arts (BA) in [field of study], Bachelor of Music (BMus) [field of study] or Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in [field of study].
Learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
- Persons obtaining degrees at this level…
- Must possess knowledge of the theories, methodologies and practice
of a profession or one or more subject areas.
- Must be able to understand and reflect on theories, methodologies
and practice.
Persons obtaining degrees at this level…
- Must be able to apply the methodologies and tools of one or more subject areas as well as apply skills related to work within the subject area(s) or in the profession.
- Must be able to evaluate theoretical and practical issues as well
as explain the reasons for and choose relevant solution models.
- Must be able to communicate academic issues and solution models to
peers and non-specialists or collaboration partners and users.
Persons obtaining degrees at this level…
- Must be able to handle complex and development-oriented situations
in study or work contexts.
- Must be able to independently participate in discipline-specific
and interdisciplinary collaboration with a professional approach.
- Must be able to identify their own learning needs and organise
their own earning in different learning environments.