Key features
- Qualification: Ph.d.-grad
- Qualification in English: PhD degree
- EQF level: 8
- Cycle: Third cycle
- Thesis required: PhD thesis
- Nominal length: 3 years / 180 ECTS
- Access requirement: Master’s Degree
- Access to further study: –
The PhD degree is awarded after a total of normally 8 years of higher education and research. The PhD programme itself normally lasts 3 years (180 ECTS points).
The programme is completed with the public defence of a PhD thesis.
Degree titles
- National language: Ph.d.
- English: PhD
Learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
Persons obtaining degrees at this level…
- Must possess knowledge at the highest international level within
the research field.
- Must have made a significant contribution to the development of new
knowledge and understanding within the research field based on
scientific studies.
Persons obtaining degrees at this level…
- Must master the scientific methodologies and tools as well as master other skills related to research and development tasks within the field.
- Must be able to analyse, evaluate and develop new ideas, including design and develop new techniques and skills within the subject area.
- Must be able to participate in international discussions within the subject area and disseminate scientific findings and progress to a wide audience.
Persons obtaining degrees at this level…
- Must be able to plan and carry out research and development tasks
in complex and unpredictable contexts.
- Must be able to independently initiate and participate in national
and international collaboration on research and development with
scientific integrity.
- Must be able to independently initiate research and development
projects and, through these, generate new knowledge and new skills
which develop the research field. professional development and