Bachelor’s degree


Key features

  • Qualification: Bakalaureus
  • Qualification in English: Bachelor
  • EQF level: 6
  • Cycle: First cycle
  • Thesis required: Bachelor’s thesis or examination, min. 5 ECTS
  • Nominal length: 3-4 years / 180-240 ECTS credits
  • Access requirement: Upper secondary level
  • Access to further study: Magister (Master’s) programme


The purpose of the Bachelor´s studies is to increase the students’ level of general education, so that they will be able to acquire the basic knowledge and skills within their field of study, to obtain the competencies necessary for a master’s programme.

The degree awarded at the bachelor’s level should also be relevant to the labour market at an appropriate level of qualification. All first cycle degrees should give access to second cycle studies. The thesis or the final examination should form no less than 5 ECTS credits of the total workload for the study programme.

Degree titles

Estonian universities award the following bachelor’s degrees:

  • Haridusteaduse bakalaureus – Bachelor of Arts in Education (BA)
  • Humanitaarteaduse bakalaureus – Bachelor of Arts in Humanities (BA)
  • Sotsiaalteaduse bakalaureus – Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences (BA)
  • Sporditeaduse bakalaureus – Bachelor of Arts in Sport (BA)
  • Loodusteaduse bakalaureus – Bachelor of Science (BSc)
  • Tehnikateaduse bakalaureus – Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSc)
  • Põllumajandusteaduse bakalaureus – Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSc)
  • Terviseteaduse bakalaureus – Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences (BSc)

Learning outcomes

In order to be awarded a degree of Bakalaureus, a student shall:

  • have a systematic overview of the basic concepts, theoretical principles and research methods of the field of study
  • be able to identify interdisciplinary relationships
  • understand the scopes of application of different specialities of the field of study
  • know the theoretical schools, development trends and current problems of the field of study
  • be able to formulate problems relating to the field of study and to analyse and evaluate different solutions
  • be able to collect information independently by using appropriate methods and means and to interpret it critically and creatively
  • be able to select and use appropriate technologies and methods when solving problems of the field of study, and, among other things, be willing to participate in team work and lead it
  • have command of the communication skills and information and communication technologies necessary for work
  • be able to explain orally or in written form in the language of instruction and in at least one foreign language problems relating to the field of study, and to participate in professional discussions
  • be willing to actively participate in the civil society and demonstrate tolerance towards diversity of attitudes and values
  • be able to evaluate the role of knowledge and the role and consequences of his or her professional activities in society, with consideration of scientific, social and ethical aspects
  • be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in work, to continue studies and to undertake continuous independent professional development