Key features
- Qualification: Ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto/ högre yrkeshögskoleexamen
- Qualification in English: Master’s degree
- EQF level: 7
- Cycle: Second cycle
- Thesis required: Yes, 30 ECTS
- Nominal length: 1 – 2.5 years / 60-90 ECTS
- Access requirement: Bachelor’s degree and two years of relevant work experience (until 31/12/2019 three years of work experience were required)
- Access to further study: Licentiate degree, Doctor degree
Degree titles
- Finnish/Swedish: [Field of study] ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto
/ högre yrkeshögskoleexamen, name of the qualification (YAMK/Högre
Example: Kulttuurialan ammattikorkeakoulututkinto, artenomi (YAMK)/ Yrkeshögskoleexamen inom kultur, artenom (Högre YH)
- English: Master of [field of study]
The government’s decree on universities of applied sciences 1129/2014 includes a full list of names of the qualifications:
Learning outcomes
- Understands comprehensive and highly specialised concepts, methods and knowledge corresponding to the specialised competence in his/her field, which are used as the basis for original thinking and/or research.
- Understands knowledge issues in the field and at the interfaces between different fields and evaluates them and new knowledge critically.
- Is capable of solving demanding problems in research and innovation, which develops new knowledge and procedures and applies and integrates knowledge from various fields, also using creative applications.
- Is capable of working independently in demanding expert duties in the field or as an entrepreneur.
- Is capable of managing and developing complex, unpredictable and new strategic approaches.
- Is capable of managing things and/or people. Is capable of reviewing the performance of individuals and groups.
- Is capable of accumulating knowledge and practices in his/her field and/or taking responsibility for development of others.
- Possesses the capability for continuous learning.
- Knows how to communicate to a good standard verbally and in writing in his/her mother tongue both to audiences in the field and outside it.
- Is able to deal with different people in learning and working communities and other groups and networks, taking account of communal and ethical considerations.
- Is capable of communicating at an advanced international level and interacting in both national languages and at least one foreign language.
- Complies with sustainable working and operating practices.