Key features
- Qualification: Maģistra diploms
- Qualification in English: Master’s diploma
- EQF level: 7
- Cycle: Second cycle
- Thesis required: Master’s thesis (30 ECTS)
- Nominal length: 1-2 years or at least 60 ECTS, total duration of HE studies at least 5 years
- Access requirement: Academic or professional bachelor or second level professional higher education
- Access to further study: Doctoral programmes
The amount of an academic master study programme is 80 Latvian credits (120 ECTS), of which at least:
- 20 CP (30 ECTS) is the master’s thesis;
- 30 CP (45 ECTS) from the mandatory contents of the programme is devoted to the theoretical insights of the chosen scientific field;
- 15 CP (22.5 ECTS) – to the approbation of the mentioned insights in respect to topical issues.
Degree titles
- Latvian: [Title of group of science fields/field of science] maģistra grādu [title of field of science/sub-field of science]
- English: Master’s degree + [title of group of science fields/field of science] + [title of field of science/sub-field of science]
Examples: Inženierzinātņu maģistra grādu informācijas tehnoloģijā (master’s degree of engineering sciences in information technology), izglītības zinātņu maģistra grādu (master’s degree of education sciences), sociālo zinātņu maģistra grādu socioloģijā (master’s degree of social sciences in sociology)
Learning outcomes
Knowledge (knowledge and comprehension)
- Able to demonstrate advanced or extensive knowledge and understanding, a part of which conforms to the most recent findings in the concrete branch of science or professional field and which provide the basis for creative thinking or research, inter alia, working in the interface of various fields
Skills (ability to apply knowledge, communication, general skills)
- Able to use independently theory, methods and problem solving skills to perform research or artistic activities, or highly qualified professional functions
- Able to provide arguments when explaining or discussing complex or systemic aspects of the concrete branch of science or professional field both to specialists and non-specialists
- Able to guide independently the improvement of one’s own competences and specialisation, to assume responsibility for the results of staff and group work and analyse them, to perform business activities, innovations in the concrete branch of science or profession, to perform work, research or further learning under complex or unpredictable conditions, if necessary, change them, using new approaches
Competence (analysis, synthesis and assessment)
- Able to define independently and critically analyse complex scientific and professional problems, substantiate decisions and, if necessary, carry out additional analysis
- Able to integrate knowledge of various fields, contribute to the creation of new knowledge, research or the development of new professional working methods, demonstrate understanding and ethical responsibility for the possible impact of the scientific results or professional activity on environment and society